Friday, December 18, 1857, Sheridan's comedy of "The Critic; or, A Tragedy Rehearsed" illustrated by the highest comic talent in the world. A cast that no other theater ever did or ever will equal
Benefit of Mr. Charles Mathews, who will appear in two popular characters. Tuesday, February 9, the celebrated comedy in three acts, "The Serious Family"
Wednesday, January 27, 1858, first night of the celebrated comedy in five acts, of "Old Heads and Young Hearts"
Saturday, January 16, 1858, the capital magic squib of "The Great Gun Trick"
Benefit of Mr. Burton. Saturday, January 30, the comedy in five acts, "The Merry Wives of Windsor"
Mr. Hackett for one night only in his world-renowned character of Sir John Falstaff in Shakespeare’s play of “King Henry IV, Part I”, Friday, May 7, 1858
Monday evening, May 17, will be played the celebrated drama in three acts, "David Copperfield"
Friday, October 30, 1857, Shakespeare's play in five acts, of "Romeo and Juliet". Miss Cushman will sustain her popular character of Romeo
Monday and Tuesday evenings, January 26 and 27, 1663 [1863], the operatic drama in three acts, "The Pet of the Petticoats"
Saturday evening, May 16, 1857, the performance will commence with the first act of the drama of "Robert Macaire"
Saturday evening, September 19, 1857, will be presented a new comedy, adapted by Mr. Charles Mathews, entitled "Married For Money"
Friday, October 16, 1857, the celebrated musical drama "Guy Mannering; or, The Gipsy's Prophecy" with Miss Cushman as Meg Merrilies
The new five-act comedy called "Playing With Fire" written by John Brougham will be acted tonight and every evening until further notice
Wednesday, April 23, 1856, Shakespeare's comedy in five acts, of a "Winter's Tale"
On Saturday evening, April 26, 1856, will be presented the grand romantic and moral drama in five acts, "The Marble Heart"
Engagement of Edwin Booth, the distinguished young American tragedian, who will appear this evening, Wednesday, April 7, as “Hamlet”
Saturday evening, November 10, will be played Dickens’ celebrated drama in three acts of “David Copperfield”
Thursday, September 9, Mrs. Charles Gore's celebrated comedy in two acts, "King O'Neil; or, The Boys of the Irish Brigade"
Saturday evening, August 9, 1856. Grand gala night for the first benefit in America of Mlle. Robert on which occasion the wonderful Ravels and young Hengler will appear
Friday, September 17, 1858, will be played Shakespeare's tragedy (adapted by Colley Cibber) of "King Richard III; or, The Battle of Bosworth Field", with Mr. J. B. Roberts as Richard III