Eighteenth season of Bryant's Minstrels. Friday evening, January 8, 1874, the felicity will eventuate at 8 o'clock
Thursday evening, June 25, 1874, annual benefit (prior to his departure for Europe), of Dan Bryant
Benefit of the New York Foundling Asylum under the charge of the Sisters of Charity, Saturday afternoon, February 7, 1874
Monday evening, January 28, 1878, Harrigan and Hart, the people's choice, in Edward Harrigan's new and original local drama, "The Italian Junkman"
Monday evening, April 13, 1874, the sensation protean drama of "The Little Detective"
The week commencing Monday, November 3. Mr. Josh Hart's world-renowned creation, "Chicago Before the Fire, During the Fire and After the Fire"
Friday evening, March 27, 1868, will be acted the new comic drama of "Peggy Green"
Thursday, June 12, 1873, a grand charity matinee under the direction of Mr. Augustin Daly, in aid of the Foundling Asylum of the City of New York, under the care of the Sisters of Charity
Monday, February 11, 1878, "The 8th Ward By Day and Night"
Monday evening, April 20, 1868, will be acted the magnificent play in five acts, of "Jack Cade; or, The Rebels of Kent"
Thursday and Friday evenings and Saturday matinee, the ever thrilling dramatization of Mrs. Southworth's greatest ledger story, "The Hidden Hand"
Aberle's Tivoli Theatre. Monday evening, July 8, the song and dance artists and comedians, Tierney & Cronin
Monday evening, January 14, 1878, Harrigan and Hart will produce Edward Harrigan's original drama in four acts, entitled "Christmas Joys and Sorrows"
Engagement of Miss Bateman, who will on this Wednesday evening, October 6, 1869, and every evening except Saturday, appear in her celebrated and original character of "Leah" in the drama of that name
Monday and Tuesday evenings, February 17 and 18, 1868, the comedy in three acts by Charles Gaylor, entitled "Our Female American Cousin"
Bowery Theatre. The largest and most elegant variety theater in America will open on Monday evening, February 11, 1878
Program for the week commencing October 26, the evening's entertainment will commence with the laughable Negro farce, entitled "The Coopers"
The week commencing Monday, October 7, John F. Poole's new drama, entitled "Eva; or, Uncle Tom's Cabin"
Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 29, grand musical and dramatic festival, afternoon and evening, for the benefit of St. Cecilia's Church (Rev. H. Flattery, Pastor)
Monday evening, December 24, 1877, Rose and Harry Watkins in "The Pioneer Patriot; or, New York One Hundred Years Ago"