Wednesday evening, November 14, will be played the extremely popular comedy of “Still Water Runs Deep”
Mrs. Warner in "A Winter's Tale", Wednesday evening, September 24
Benefit of Mr. Charles Mathews, who will appear in two popular characters. Tuesday, February 9, the celebrated comedy in three acts, "The Serious Family"
Wednesday, January 27, 1858, first night of the celebrated comedy in five acts, of "Old Heads and Young Hearts"
Wednesday evening, November 2, will be played Shakespeare's comedy in five acts, of "Twelfth Night; or, What You Will"
Saturday evening, November 10, will be played Dickens’ celebrated drama in three acts of “David Copperfield”
Friday, December 18, 1857, Sheridan's comedy of "The Critic; or, A Tragedy Rehearsed" illustrated by the highest comic talent in the world. A cast that no other theater ever did or ever will equal
Friday, October 30, 1857, Shakespeare's play in five acts, of "Romeo and Juliet". Miss Cushman will sustain her popular character of Romeo
Monday, February 5, 1855, first night here of Mrs. Mowatt’s comedy of “Fashion”
Tuesday evening, September 28, will be played Coleman's comedy in five acts, of "The Poor Gentleman"
Thursday, March 23, first night of the fine old English comedy of “The Beaux Stratagem”
Wednesday, February 28, 1855, will be played the favorite piece of “John Jones; or, The Most Unfortunate Man in the World”
Friday, October 29, 1852, will be played for the first time an original piece, written expressly for Mr. Thompson, called "Old York and New York; or, the [...]uck Shooter"
Tuesday evening, February 10, will be played, O’Keefe’s comedy in five acts, “Wild Oats; or, the Strolling Players”
Monday evening, April 30, will be played the very popular play in three acts, called "David Copperfield"
Benefit of Mr. John Brougham and his last night. Saturday, January 23, will be played the drama in three acts, by Planche, called "A Day of Reckoning"
Mr. Hackett for one night only in his world-renowned character of Sir John Falstaff in Shakespeare’s play of “King Henry IV, Part I”, Friday, May 7, 1858
Monday evening, April 14, 1856, will be presented the comedy in two acts, entitled "The Scholar"
Saturday evening, October 11, will be produced for the fifth time, an original five-act comedy called “Nature’s Nobleman”, written expressly for this theater
The wonderful Ravels will appear tonight with Mlle. Robert and Young Hengler in a grand ballet, la corde tendue and "Asphodel; or, the Magic Pen", Tuesday, September 2, 1856