Second night of "Oliver Twist; or, The Housebreaker's Doom" and first time for years, "The Larboard Fin", Monday evening, August 1, 1859
Saturday evening, May 16, 1857, the performance will commence with the first act of the drama of "Robert Macaire"
Purdy's National Theatre. 18th night of the wonderful pantomime of "Asphodel". Saturday evening, February 2, 1856. The entertainments will commence with the favorite comedy of "The Muleteer of Toledo"
For the benefit of Mr. T. D. Rice, the inimitable Jim Crow, and positively his last appearance, Saturday evening, September 25
Mr. Simpson's benefit, Tuesday evening, February 7, 1826. The opera of "The Slave"
Mitchell's Olympic Theatre. Saturday evening, April 12, the evening's entertainments will commence with the petite comedy entitled "The Crown Prince; or, The Buckle of Brilliants"
Mrs. Hunt's Benefit, "The Trumpeter's Daughter", on Thursday evening, May 27, 1847
Purdy's National Theatre. Friday evening, June 9, 1854, the entertainments will commence with the grand Irish drama of "Eva the Irish Princess"
For the benefit of Mr. Fisher, "Wild Oats", on Saturday evening, June 5, 1847
For the benefit of Miss White, the opera, "Inkle and Yarico", Monday evening, June 16, 1806
"Guy Mannering; or, The Gipsy's Prophecy", Saturday evening, November 16
Mr. Marble in "Family Ties", Wednesday evening, June 17. To conclude with "The Backwoodsman; or, The Game Cock of the Wilderness"
This evening, Saturday, June 25, 1853, the performance will commence with Schiller's celebrated play of "The Robbers"
Friday afternoon and evening, July 4, will be presented the new patriotic drama, "The Birth of Freedom"
For the benefit of Mr. Dyott, "Eugene Aram; or, Saint Robert's Cave", Tuesday, May 25, 1847
Thursday evening, December 18, 1840, the performance will commence with the infant minstrels, the Masters Hughes, who will appear in part the first of one of their favorite concerts
Saturday evening, July 2, 1842, will be performed the laughable piece of "Deadshot"
Grand complimentary benefit to McKean Buchanan, "The Widow's Victim", Monday evening, July 12
Saturday evening, May 29, 1869, will be acted the old favorite drama of "Putnam, the Iron Son of '76"
Wednesday evening, April 16, will be performed the drama of "Still Waters Run Deep"