Monday evening, September 27, 1847, the entertainments will commence with "The School for Scandal"
Broadway Theatre. This splendid establishment will be opened with a carefully selected company on Monday evening, September 27
This evening, Monday, September 16, will be acted for the first time this season, the play of "The Love Chase"
This evening, Wednesday, September 18, will be acted the comedy of "The Love Chase"
Monday, March 3, 1828, will be performed the historical play of "William Tell, the Hero of Switzerland" with Mr. E. Forrest as William Tell
Last night of Mr. Forrest as Spartacus in "Gladiator", Saturday evening, September 27, 1851
For the benefit of Mr. Forrest, who will on this occasion appear in the celebrated character of Othello, Thursday evening, May 3, 1849, in “The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice”
Mr. Forrest in "Metamora; or, The Last of the Wampanoags", Monday evening, June 2, 1834
This evening, Tuesday, September 17, will be performed the comedy of "The Old English Gentleman"
Monday evening, November 8th, 1852, "The Duke's Wager; or, A Night in the Bastile"
"A Bachelor of Arts", the popular comedy, never acted here, will be given on Monday, December 1, 1862
"Dick the Newsboy; or, Young America", Monday evening, October 17, 1853
Monday evening, April 26, 1852, Mr. Forrest in the character of Pierre in the revived tragedy of "Venice Preserved; or, A Plot Discovered"
On Thursday evening, April 16, 1835, will be presented the nautical melodrama called "The Wizard Skiff; or, the Tongueless Pirate Boy"
Thursday, January 24, 1828, will be performed Shakespeare's tragedy of "Richard III" with Mr. E. Forrest
Mitchell's Olympic Theatre. Saturday evening, April 12, the evening's entertainments will commence with the petite comedy entitled "The Crown Prince; or, The Buckle of Brilliants"
Opening of the fall season. Tuesday evening, September 2, 1856, the performance will commence with Sheridan's famous comedy of "The School for Scandal"
New Year's night. "Betrothal" and "Giralda; or, The Miller's Wife", Wednesday evening, January 1, 1851
Thursday evening, January 2, 1851, will be played the new American play, written by G. H. Boker, called "The Betrothal"
Mr. Rice's benefit, and last night of his engagement. Monday evening, August 12, 1833, the grand spectacle in three acts, "Mazeppa; or, The Wild Horse of Ukraine"