Grand revival of J. Pemberton Smith's and G. C. Howard's version of "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
Monday evening, September 27, 1847, the entertainments will commence with "The School for Scandal"
Fox's Old Bowery Theatre. Monday and Tuesday evenings, February 22 and 23, 1864, the effective drama of "Holly-Bush Hall"
Broadway Theatre. This splendid establishment will opened with a carefully selected company on Monday evening, September 27. The entertainments will commence with "The School For Scandal"
Mitchell's Olympic Theatre. Saturday evening, April 12, the evening's entertainments will commence with the petite comedy entitled "The Crown Prince; or, The Buckle of Brilliants"
Fox's Old Bowery Theatre. Saturday evening, December 31, 1864, the celebrated tragedy of "Pizarro; or, The Death of Rolla"
Thursday evening, January 31, 1856, the entertainments will commence with BulwerÕs play of ÒThe Lady of Lyons; or, Love and PrideÓ
Thursday evening, January 31, 1861, the performances will commence with the beautiful three-act Irish drama of "O'Flanigan and the Fairies"
Saturday evening, September 17, 1870, will be presented Shakespeare's tragedy of "Romeo and Juliet"
Purdy's National Theatre. Friday evening, June 9, 1854, the entertainments will commence with the grand Irish drama of "Eva the Irish Princess"
On Wednesday evening, February 22, 1854, will be presented the Scottish drama entitled, "Warlock of the Glen"
Purdy's National Theatre. 18th night of the wonderful pantomime of "Asphodel". Saturday evening, February 2, 1856. The entertainments will commence with the favorite comedy of "The Muleteer of Toledo"
Tuesday evening, September 20, 1842, will be performed the comedy of "Wild Oats"
Tuesday evening, September 28, will be played Coleman's comedy in five acts, of "The Poor Gentleman"
Wednesday evening, July 2, 1856, the entertainments will commence with Shakespeare's tragedy of "Macbeth"
Monday evening, April 14, 1856, will be presented the comedy in two acts, entitled "The Scholar"
Wednesday evening, January 3, 1866, the performance will commence with De Walden's great comedy of "Sam"
Thursday evening, December 18, 1840, the performance will commence with the infant minstrels, the Masters Hughes, who will appear in part the first of one of their favorite concerts
This Monday evening, February 9, the performance will commence with the petite comedy, entitled "Two Can Play At That Game"
Thursday evening, December 23, 1847, the evening's entertainment will commence with a new comic drama by J. R. Planche, entitled "Pride of the Market"