Monday evening, December 17, 1866, will be presented the drama of the passions, in five acts, by Augustin Daly, entitled "Griffith Gaunt; or, Jealousy", founded on a novel by Charles Reade
Wednesday evening, April 16, 1862, the performances will commence with the original drama in three acts, entitled "The Spirit Friend; or, The Angel of Night"
Friday evening, March 27, 1868, will be acted the new comic drama of "Peggy Green"
The local extravaganza of fun, fashion and frolic in three acts, by John F. Poole, Esq., "The Devil in the Bowery", Saturday evening, January 2, 1864
Thursday evening, November 17, 1864, the performance will commence with the popular play, "The Stranger"
Friday evening, June 21, 1861, the performances will commence with the fairy spectacle in three acts, of "O'Flanigan and the Fairies"
Monday evening, April 20, 1868, will be acted the magnificent play in five acts, of "Jack Cade; or, The Rebels of Kent"
Thursday evening, January 31, 1861, the performances will commence with the beautiful three-act Irish drama of "O'Flanigan and the Fairies"
Mr. E. Eddy as Badger in "The Poor of New York", Tuesday evening, June 7, 1864
Merry Christmas! Today, December 25, at 2 o'clock, the great and exciting drama of "The Avenger; or, The Moor of Sicily"
Friday afternoon and evening, July 4, will be presented the new patriotic drama, "The Birth of Freedom"
Saturday evening, May 29, 1869, will be acted the old favorite drama of "Putnam, the Iron Son of '76"
The popular emotional actor, Mr. J. Z. Little, and the beautiful actress, Miss Lizzie Campbell, will appear Monday evening, March 11 in the drama in four acts, "Roving Jack; or, Saved From the Wreck"
Purdy's National Theatre. Friday evening, June 9, 1854, the entertainments will commence with the grand Irish drama of "Eva the Irish Princess"
The very interesting drama by Miss Mary Watson, in four acts, "Held in Check", Monday evening, May 5, 1873 and during the week
Wednesday evening, December 16, 1868, will be presented the domestic drama in five acts, "Little Barefoot"
On Saturday evening, July 9, 1842, will be presented the Hibernian drama of "Brian Boroihme; or, The Maid of Erin"
On Thursday evening, April 16, 1835, will be presented the nautical melodrama called "The Wizard Skiff; or, the Tongueless Pirate Boy"
Third night of Mr. E. Eddy. "Metamora; or, The Last of the Wampanoags", Wednesday evening, April 29
Monday evening, April 13, 1874, the sensation protean drama of "The Little Detective"