"Our Girls", every evening during the week ending November 15, 1879
The new drama, adapted from the French by Mr. George Hoey, "A Child of the State", every evening at 8, and Saturday matinee at 1:30, for the week ending May 8, 1880
Every evening during the week ending January 3, 1880, also, Saturday matinee at 1:30, "She Stoops to Conquer"
Tuesday, April 12, 1881, a new sensational and realistic drama in five acts and eight tableaux, entitled "The World"
Every evening during the week ending February 14, 1880, also Saturday matinee, Mr. Dion Boucicault will appear in his original play, illustrative of Irish life and character, "The Shaughraun"
During the week ending May 4, 1878, will be presented a new play in four acts, entitled "Diplomacy"
"Forget-Me-Not" this Saturday evening, December 18
Friday evening, November 6, 1874, Mr. Lester Wallack's and Mr. Pierrepont Edwards' adaptation from Octave Feuillet's great drama, "The Romance of a Poor Young Man"
The new play in four acts, "Diplomacy", Monday, June 11, 1878, and every evening during the week, also Saturday matinee
A new comedy in three acts, written expressly for this theater by Dion Boucicault, entitled "Forbidden Fruit", every evening and Saturday matinee
Complimentary testimonial to Mr. W. R. Floyd, Monday evening, May 31, 1880 (Decoration Day)
Saturday, November 14, 1874, first night of "The Shaughraun"
Saturday, July 2, 1881, last night and last matinee of "The World"
Monday and Tuesday evenings, February 17 and 18, 1868, the comedy in three acts by Charles Gaylor, entitled "Our Female American Cousin"
Monday, May 31, 1869, second week of the grand heroic and historic drama in five acts and seven tableaux, entitled "Patrie", by Victorien Sardou
The very interesting drama by Miss Mary Watson, in four acts, "Held in Check", Monday evening, May 5, 1873 and during the week
Mr. J. H. Wallack's original American equestrian drama in six acts and eight tableaux, entitled "The Bandit King"
Program for the week commencing October 26, the evening's entertainment will commence with the laughable Negro farce, entitled "The Coopers"
Engagement of Miss Bateman, who will on this Wednesday evening, October 6, 1869, and every evening except Saturday, appear in her celebrated and original character of "Leah" in the drama of that name
Thursday, April 16, 1874, every evening and Saturday matinee until further notice, will be presented Mr. Lester Wallack's celebrated military drama in six tableaux, entitled "The Veteran"