First week of the great pantomime, "Volovante"
The original Fellows' Minstrels at Fellows' Musical Hall, 444 Broadway above Howard Street
Monday, May 22nd, and during the week and matinees Tuesday and Friday, the amusing farce, "American Tourists"
Wood's Minstrels at Minstrel Hall, 444 Broadway above Howard Street
Mr. Mitchell in "Charles XII; or, The Siege of Stralsund", Saturday evening, February 12, 1848
Continued and extraordinary success of Miss Cushman as La Tisbe in the new play, “The Actress of Padua”, Friday evening, October 2
Mitchell's Olympic Theatre. First night in America of a new farce by J. R. Planche, "Hold Your Tongue", Monday evening, December 24, 1849
A monster bill for this week. First week of Miss Amy Roberts, the pleasing and talented sensational vocalist; Sanford and Wilson, the celebrated musical comedians; and Frank Jones, the lively moke
"Devil in Paris", Tuesday, April 8
The event of the season! Thursday afternoon, April 25, grand annual matinee benefit tendered to the attaches of the Theatre
"Catching a Governor", "The Wig Makers" and "Paris by Moonlight" introducing the original "Parisian Can Can"
Olympic Theatre will open for the third season on Monday, September 13, 1841
Fourth night of the musical burletta, "Cupid", Thursday evening, November 18, 1841
Monday, March 11, 1878, Harrigan and Hart will appear in Edward Harrigan's great hit of the season, "Sullivan's Christmas"
Thanksgiving Day. The celebrated drama, "Don Caesar de Bazan" with Mr. Holland as Jacques Strop, Thursday evening, December 12
Geo. Christy and Wood's Minstrels at Minstrel Hall, 444 Broadway between Howard & Grand Streets. Program for this Monday evening, October 31, 1853
"The Coopers," "Poison," and "Le Jardin Mabille"