M'lle Eme Roseau and Mr. Wm. Edouin will appear Monday, January 28, 1878, in "Babes in the Wood; or, Who Killed Cock Robin"
Monday, November 12, 1877, and every evening until further notice, will be presented Farnie's highly successful London burlesque, entitled "Robinson Crusoe"
Wednesday evening, November 21, 1877, and on Thursday, November 29, a special Thanksgiving matinee, a new fairy musical extravaganza, entitled "Piff-Paff; or, The Magic Armory"
Introducing the peerless Morlacchi, Mlles. Cora Adriana and Antonina and grand ballet in the great and gorgeous spectacle in four acts, "The Black Crook"
Week commencing Monday, May 24, 1880. James A. Herne's "Hearts of Oak", consisting of James A. Herne, Katharine Corcoran and their own powerful company
Second week of the brilliantly successful engagement of the American tragedian, Mr. E. L. Davenport. Monday evening, September 6, 1875, Shakespeare's sublime tragedy in five acts, "Macbeth"
"Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly"
Monday, March 12, 1877, first appearance of the distinguished artiste, Miss Kate Claxton, in her original character of Louise, the blind girl in the greatest success of the age, "The Two Orphans"
Monday evening, May 13, "The Exiles"
Monday, June 1, 1874, engagement of Messrs. Baker & Farron, who will appear in their new protean drama in four acts, entitled "Chris and Lena; or, German Life on the Mississippi"
Monday evening, December 20, 1875, will be presented the centennial sensation drama, by Tom H. Darlington, in four acts, entitled "1776; or, Valley Forge"
Jno. T. Raymond as Col. Mulberry Sellers in Mark Twain's American drama, "Gilded Age; or, Col. Sellers"
Monday evening, January 24, 1876, the great Dutch comedian Mr. Geo. S. Knight will appear in his original sketch of "Around the Block in Forty Minutes"
For the week commencing Monday, March 8th. Another startling bill!
Monday, May 31, 1869, second week of the grand heroic and historic drama in five acts and seven tableaux, entitled "Patrie", by Victorien Sardou
Monday evening, December 24, 1877, Rose and Harry Watkins in "The Pioneer Patriot; or, New York One Hundred Years Ago"
Monday, June 5, 1876. Kate Fisher will appear in the great equestrienne drama, “Mazeppa; or, The Wild Horse of Tartary”, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 5, 6 and 7
"Port Wine vs. Jealousy", "Apartments to Let", "As Like as Two Peas", "Laughing Eyes of Blue" and "Great Shooting Match"
Monday, May 15, and till further notice, "Buff and Blue; or, The Times That Tried Men's Souls"
Mr. Augustin Daly's most popular, spectacular local folly in three acts, "Round the Clock"