Monday evening, March 18, 1878, every evening during the week and Saturday matinee, Maggie Mitchell supported by Wm. Harris as Wilhelm Meister, in "Mignon"
Hofele's Olympic Theatre. Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, and Saturday matinee, the great drama in five acts, entitled "Oliver Twist"
Monday evening, March 25, 1878, every evening during the week and Saturday matinee, Maggie Mitchell supported by the sterling young actor, Wm. Harris, will appear in "Fanchon"
"Lotta" every evening, holiday and Saturday matinees
Mr. Edwin Booth will resume the management of this theater for a term of six weeks only, beginning Monday, January 7, 1878, with his adaptation of Shakespeare's "King Richard III"
Grand revival of J. Pemberton Smith's and G. C. Howard's version of "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
The new five-act comedy called "Playing With Fire" written by John Brougham will be acted tonight and every evening until further notice
Thursday, April 16, 1874, every evening and Saturday matinee until further notice, will be presented Mr. Lester Wallack's celebrated military drama in six tableaux, entitled "The Veteran"
Every evening at 8, and Saturday matinee at 2, the collaborated melo-drama, in four acts, "Crucible"!
Every evening until further notice. The comic sketch of "The Troublesome Boy"
Third night of the engagement of the celebrated Irish comedian and vocalist, Mr. Collins, and production of John Brougham's great romantic drama, entitled "The Duke's Motto"
Thursday evening, February 12, 1863, and every night until further notice, the drama in five acts (from the German of Mosenthal), "Leah, the Forsaken"
Monday, November 12, 1877, and every evening until further notice, will be presented Farnie's highly successful London burlesque, entitled "Robinson Crusoe"
Wednesday, October 19, 1853, John Brougham's new drama of "Bleak House", adapted from Charles Dickens' popular novel of that name
Thursday and Friday evenings and Saturday matinee, the ever thrilling dramatization of Mrs. Southworth's greatest ledger story, "The Hidden Hand"
Monday evening, and every evening until further notice, will be performed C. M. Walcott's extravaganza of "Hi-A-Wa-Tha; or, Ardent Spirits and Laughing Waters"
Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, January 1, 2 and 3, and Saturday matinee at 2, will be performed the great drama in five acts, entitled "Oliver Twist"
Tuesday evening, October 9, 1860, and every night until further notice, Miss Cushman, second time here, as Meg Merrilies in the musical drama of "Guy Mannering"
Benefit of Mr. John Brougham. This evening, a comedy in two acts, "A Gentleman from Ireland" and Mr. Brougham's burlesque, "Pocahontas; or, The Gentle Savage"
Benefit of Mr. John Brougham and his last night. Saturday, January 23, will be played the drama in three acts, by Planche, called "A Day of Reckoning"