Saturday evening, July 2, 1842, will be performed the laughable piece of "Deadshot"
For the benefit of Mr. Kilner. Friday evening, August 26, 1825, will be presented for the second time in this theatre, the comedy "Charles the Second"
Saturday evening, September 17, 1870, will be presented Shakespeare's tragedy of "Romeo and Juliet"
Saturday evening, August 24, will be presented Shakespeare's tragedy of "Othello"
Friday evening, March 10, will be performed the tragedy of "Pizarro; or, The Death of Rolla"
Purdy's National Theatre. 18th night of the wonderful pantomime of "Asphodel". Saturday evening, February 2, 1856. The entertainments will commence with the favorite comedy of "The Muleteer of Toledo"
Mr. Simpson's benefit, Tuesday evening, February 7, 1826. The opera of "The Slave"
Tuesday evening, August 27, will be presented Shakespeare's play of "Hamlet"
Christmas Day! Wednesday evening, December 25, 1839, will be performed for the third time at this theater the successful domestic drama in two acts, entitled "St. Mary's Eve"
Saturday evening, January 27, will be presented the comedy of "The Love Chase", written by J. S. Knowles
Mr. W. Wood in "The Wild Boy of Bohemia; or, The Force of Nature", Saturday evening, June 27, 1840
Saturday evening, November 10, will be played Dickens’ celebrated drama in three acts of “David Copperfield”
For the benefit of Mr. T. D. Rice, the inimitable Jim Crow, and positively his last appearance, Saturday evening, September 25
Purdy's National Theatre. Friday evening, June 9, 1854, the entertainments will commence with the grand Irish drama of "Eva the Irish Princess"
Friday evening, August 30, will be presented Shakespeare's tragedy of "King Lear"
Monday evening, September 23, 1839, will be acted Shakespeare's play of "Richard III"
This evening, Saturday, September 14, will be performed the comedy of "The Old English Gentleman"
New Theatre. Morton's celebrated play, "Columbus; or, The Discovery of America" will be presented on Friday evening, December 2, 1808
The new play, in five acts, "The Curfew", will be repeated on Wednesday evening, March 9
This evening, Wednesday, September 18, will be acted the comedy of "The Love Chase"