Saturday evening, March 28, 1857, will be presented a new and interesting drama in three acts, entitled "Claude Loraine; or, The Peasant, the Libertine and the Brigand"
Glorious attractions for St. Patrick's Day, Tuesday evening, March 17, 1857. "Jack Sheppard" and "Karmel the Scout; or, The Rebels of the Jerseys"
Saturday evening, May 16, 1857, the performance will commence with the first act of the drama of "Robert Macaire"
Tuesday evening, February 10, 1857, will be performed for the second time in New York, J. B. Howe's great drama in four acts, entitled "The British Slave; or, Seven Years of a Soldier's Life"
Wednesday evening, February 11, 1857, the performance will commence with "The Magic Harp of Altenberg; or, The Wife's Avenger"
Tuesday evening, May 12, 1857, will be presented for the second time a new hippodramatic spectacle arranged and adapted by John Brougham, called "The Devil's Horse; or, The Curse of Ambition"
Saturday evening, May 9, 1857, the performance will commence with the operatic drama in three acts, entitled "The Bohemian Girl"
Friday evening, February 20, 1857, will be performed for the fifth time a local drama in three acts by J. B. Howe, entitled "Uncle Sam; or, The Manic of the Tombs"
Brougham's Bowery Theatre. Sun burst of the legitimate. Tuesday evening, October 21, 1856, the performances will commence with Kotzebue's great play of "The Stranger"
Wednesday evening, February 18, 1857, the performances will commence with, for the third time in New York, a local drama in three acts by J. B. Howe, entitled "Uncle Sam; or, The Maniac of the Tombs"
Wednesday evening, May 13, 1857, a new hippodramatic spectacle in four acts, arranged and adapted by John Brougham, called "The Devil's Horse; or, The Curse of Ambition"
Second night of Miss Matilda Heron as Bianca in "Fazio", Friday evening, April 3
Tuesday evening, May 19, 1857 will be presented an entire new and historical drama in three acts, written by R. Johnston, called "Jacobe Leisler; or, New York in 1691"
Monday evening, November 24, 1856, will be presented the new and extraordinary romantic legendary drama, entitled "The Dice of Death; or, The Spectral Avenger"
Thursday evening, May 21, 1857, will be presented for the fourth time, the new historical drama in three acts, written by Mr. R. Johnston, entitled "Jacobe Leisler; or, New York in 1691"
Wednesday evening, May 20, 1857, will be presented for the third time, the new historical drama in three acts, written by Mr. R. Johnston, entitled "Jacobe Leisler; or, New York in 1691"
Tuesday evening, May 26, 1857, the performance will commence with the drama in two acts, entitled "Rip Van Winkle; or, The Spirits of the Catskill Mountains"
Monday evening, May 18, 1857 will be presented an entire new historical drama in three acts, written by Mr. R. Johnston, called "Jacobe Leisler; or, New York in 1691"
Thursday evening, September 4, 1856, the performances will commence with Sheridan's great play of "Pizarro; or, The Death of Rolla" in which Mr. J. E. Macdonough will make his first appearance
Friday evening, June 5, 1857, the performance will commence with the farce in one act, called "A Model of a Wife"