Positively last week of the brilliant engagement of the renowned pantomimist and actress, Miss Marietta Ravel, who will appear in the following celebrated dramas
Monday, February 9, 1874, the accomplished California artiste, Miss Amy Stone, in the grand military drama in four acts and a prologue, "Cigarette; or, The Little Leopard of France"
Monday, April 28, 1873, Mr. Dominick Murray will appear in the romantic drama in three acts by Charles Osborne, entitled "Blood Money"
Joint benefit of A. H. Sheldon and Jas. Barnes in "Who Owns the Coat?", Saturday afternoon and evening, May 2, 1874
Engagement of Mr. Dominick Murray, who will appear in the new romantic drama in four acts by Chas. Osborne, entitled "Willy Reilly and His Dear Coleen: A Tale of Ireland's Troubled Days"
Monday evening, April 27, 1874, benefit of the beautiful and gifted artiste, Miss Gussie De Forrest, on which occasion she will appear as Pauline in the celebrated drama, "The Lady of Lyons"
Monday, November 10, 1873, the young and sterling actress, Miss Louise Hawthorne, in the grand and beautiful picture of life in New York and California, "Four Christmas Nights"
Monday, April 21, 1873, the eminent and popular artist, Mr. Dominick Murray, who will appear for the second week in the sensational local drama, "Escaped From Sing-Sing"
Monday, May 5, 1873, the celebrated pantomimist and actor Mr. Hernandez Foster in his characterization of Monday, in the nautical drama from Frank Leslie's Weekly, "Jack Harkaway: Afloat and Ashore"
Monday, May 18, 1874, for one week only! Engagement of Mr. Louis Aldrich who will appear in the new sensational drama in five acts by Mrs. Lafitte Johnson, entitled "Justice"
Monday, January 19, 1874, Mr. Oliver Doud Byron will appear in his great specialty drama of "Across the Continent"
Monday, January 26, 1874, the performance will commence with the renowned specialty artists, the South American wonders, the Feely Brothers, the finest trapeze performers in the world
Monday, November 10, 1873, the young and sterling actress, Miss Louise Hawthorne, in the grand and beautiful picture of life in New York and California, entitled "Four Christmas Nights"
Monday, April 14, 1873, the eminent Irish comedian and character actor, Mr. Dominick Murray, in the local drama, "The Gambler's Crime; or, The Murder on the Hudson"
Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, January 1, 2 and 3, and Saturday matinee at 2, will be performed the great drama in five acts, entitled "Oliver Twist"
Monday, June 2, 1873, engagement of the popular young actor, Mr. Frank Mayo, in Murdoch's new and beautiful idyl of the backwoods, entitled "Davy Crockett"
Monday, August 17, 1874, the beautiful play in four acts by Messrs. C. W. Barry and J. Fox, entitled "The Dwarf's Duel"
Mr. Hernandez Foster in his novel characterization of Monday (Prince of Pisangs), Monday evening, November 10, 1873, "Jack Harkaway: Afloat and Shore"
Monday, August 18, 1873, last week of the engagement of Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Albaugh, who will appear in a sensation founded on Bret Harte's poem, entitled "Poverty Flat; or, California in '49"
Mr. F. S. Chanfrau will appear in De Walden's celebrated original comedy in five acts, "Sam", Monday, February 10, 1873