"The Return of the Vagabond"
"The Song and Dance Man"
"The Tavern" - The Vagabond [Actor's sides.]
"A Well Known Woman"
"The Royal Vagabond". A Cohanized opera comique in three acts
"The Cohan Revue of 1918"
"Here Come the Soldiers"
George M. Cohan's Way of Telling the Story of Parker Fennelly's "Fulton of Oak Falls": An American Comedy in Three Acts
Charlie [Actor's sides for either "The Cohan Revue of 1916" or "The Cohan Revue of 1918".]
"The Talk of New York"
"The Cohan Revue of 1918".
Orchestration for "In a Kingdom of Our Own"
"The Rise of Rosie O'Reilly"
"The Ziegfeld" Song
"Fulton of Oak Falls"
First violin orchestration for "In a Kingdom of Our Own"
"The Miracle Man" - Evans
"The Miracle Man"