United Nations
U.N. Girls
Nora Martens--U.N. Girl
United Nations--Big Four
U.N. Building
New York - Civic Escort to President elect Grover Cleveland
[Adlai Stevenson II and Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson at a gala preview of "After the Fall".]
[Lobby of the General Assembly Building of the Union Nations Headquarters]
The Flag of the United Nations
[General Assembly Hall]
Graduate Student--N.Y.U.
Governor Thomas E. Dewey and Albany Staff
[Second Session of United Nations General Assembly, UN 7090.]
Lieut. Genl. U. S. Grant.
United Nations Plaque in the Daily News Building.
United Nations Guide
The President and the Officers of the Foreign Press Association Invite Mr. & Mrs. Grover Whalen to a Private Reception
N.Y. Housing Slum
Trygve Lie