Mitchell's Olympic Theatre. On Monday evening, December 27, 1841, the entertainments to commence with the musical comedy called "The Two Figaros"
This evening, Wednesday, January 15, 1851, for the benefit of Mr. Hadaway, the distinguished comedian of this establishment, will be performed a feast of comedy, to begin with "The Comedy of Errors"
This evening, Friday, August 21, 1840, the performance will commence with the drama of "The Hunters of the Pyrenees; or, The Chasm of Death"
Mitchell's Olympic Theatre. On Saturday evening, February 26, 1842, the entertainments will commence with the celebrated farce called "Young Widow"
Thursday evening, December 23, 1847, the evening's entertainment will commence with a new comic drama by J. R. Planche, entitled "Pride of the Market"
Barnum's Museum. Every day and evening this week, commencing Monday, March 23, 1863, re-engagement for a brief period, of that charming little Minnie Warren
Thanksgiving Day. The celebrated drama, "Don Caesar de Bazan" with Mr. Holland as Jacques Strop, Thursday evening, December 12
Fourth night of the musical burletta, "Cupid", Thursday evening, November 18, 1841
Mr. W. Wood in "The Wild Boy of Bohemia; or, The Force of Nature", Saturday evening, June 27, 1840
"Grand Moving Picture of the Crystal Palace"
Stoppani Hall, 396 Broadway. Grand moving picture of the Crystal Palace
P.T. Barnum & Co.'s greatest show on earth and Adam Forepaugh's greatest and all new feature show. Consolidated for a few days only. Commencing Monday, April 4
Program for the week commencing October 26, the evening's entertainment will commence with the laughable Negro farce, entitled "The Coopers"
The wonderful Ravel Family, this evening, Friday, January 2, 1852
Monday evening, December 7, one week only of the celebrated character actor, Mr. Dominick Murray
For the week commencing Monday, March 8th. Another startling bill!
Monday evening, September 27, 1847, the entertainments will commence with "The School for Scandal"
Friday and Saturday, April 2 and 3, 1858, the drama adapted from Mrs. Southworth's Ledger story, by Mr. H. Watkins, entitled "The Bride of an Evening; or, Circumstantial Evidence"
Third week of the palace of amusement! Program for the week commencing Monday, November 1
Mademoiselle Fanny Elssler for the benefit of St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum, Monday evening, June 27, the entertainments will commence with the second act of "La Tarentule"