Manhattan Bridge. Length of Roadway, 6,855 Feet. Width of Roadway, 122 Feet. Height of Tower, 321 Feet. Cost $26,000,000.
Peter Stuyvesant Defying the English who Demanded the Surrender of New Amsterdam, 1664.
The Charcoal Cart
Metropolitan Life Insurance Building. Madison Square, New York City. 48 Stories; 658 Ft Tallest in the World.
The British Queen, Steam Ship
Sports, Baseball, New York's Polo Grounds.
Prudence Co. Inc., 331 Mad. Ave., Group, Board of Directors.
Map of Property of William A. W. Stewart as Assignee for the Heirs of the Creditors of Jacob Van Wagenen
University of the State of New-York. College of Physicians and Surgeons
Map of the Property Belonging to Phillip Milledoler
[Subway Station and a Newstand.]