228 East 56th Street. New York Telephone Building. Entrance
228 East 56th Street. New York Telephone Building
111 East 56th Street. Hotel Lombardy. Detail of base and entrance
West 56th Street and 7th Avenue. Carnegie Studio Building, 56th Street end.
6 East 56th Street.
68 East 56th Street. General exterior.
[Entrance to Telephone Building.]
East 56th Street and Park Avenue. Arthur Brisbane Building
East 29th Street. New York Telephone Building [30 East 29th Street].
228-30 East 56th Street. Addition.
[43 West 56th Street.]
342-4 West 56th Street. Apartment building
43-45 West 56th Street.
Broadway and Dey Street. New York Telephone and Telegraph Building. Fulton Street entrance
4 East 56th Street. William Baumgarten Building.
56th Street and Fifth Avenue. Stewart and Company. Elaborate entrance with ceramic metal plaques
7 East 56th St. New York. View Looking N.W. [Addition to Bonwit Teller building.]
[56th Street between Lexington and Park Avenues.]
435 West 50th Street. New York Telephone Building