West 42nd Street and Eighth Avenue. Corn Exchange Bank
3 East 42nd Street. Corn Exchange Bank, Grand Central branch.
157 East 42nd Street. The Corn Exchange Bank.
Franklin Savings Bank Addition, S.E. Cor. 42nd St. & Eighth Ave. N.Y.C.
Franklin Savings Bank Addition. S.E. Cor. 42nd St. & Eighth Ave.
[121 West 42nd Street.]
110 East 42nd Street. Bowery Savings Bank. Entrance
233-39 West 42nd Street. Case Building
[The Candler Building, 222 West 42nd Street.]
East 42nd Street. Bowery Savings Bank. Interior, hall
121 West 42nd St. New York
West 42nd Street. United National Bank interior.
234 West 42nd Street. Exterior
West 42nd Street. Cigar store interior
Corn Exchange Bank, Harlem Branch
[42nd Street.]
[West 42nd Street and Eighth Avenue. Terminal hotel.]