Knickerbocker Watch Co.: 389 Fifth Ave. N.Y.C.
Guaranty Trust Co. Fifth Ave. N.Y.C.
Thomas Cook Building, 587 Fifth Avenue N.Y.C.
34th Street and Fifth Avenue. B. Altman and Company Store
Apartment Bldg for Mary Mason Jones Estate. 743 Fifth Ave. N.Y.C.
#101 Park Ave N.Y.C
38th Street and Fifth Avenue. Franklin Simon and Company Store
39th Street and Fifth Avenue. Kress and Company. Store from above
278-280 Madison Ave. N.Y.C.
424 Fifth Avenue. Lord and Taylor Department Store
Hotel Pennsylvania, N.Y.C.
N.E. Cor. 56th St. & Fifth Ave. N.Y.C. Bonwit Teller & Co's Bldg. View Looking North at Section of South Front on 56th Street at West Corner at Fifth Ave. & Just Over Ground Floor Show Window
1045 Anderson Ave. Bronx. N.Y.C.
985 Anderson Ave. Bronx. N.Y.C.
362 5th Avenue. Sarnoff's storefront, finished view.
Janice Shops 167 West 34th St. N.Y.C.
#990 Fifth Ave. N.Y.C. Looking Down at Top to Bay. Fifth Ave. Side. View Looking North From Roof to 989 Fifth Ave.
N.E. Cor. Arthur & Tremont Aves. N.Y.C.
681 Fifth Avenue. Former Dutton Building
University Ave. & Featherbed Lane , N.Y.C.