1201-1207 Lexington Avenue. Apartment building with ground floor storefronts
1201-07 Lexington Avenue. Before and after, double image of commercial building.
#124 East 86th St. N.Y.C. From S.E. Corner 86th St. and Lexington Ave. Looking N.W. at North Side of Block Between Lexington and Park Ave.
#124 East 86th St. N.Y.C. From N.E. Cor. 86th St. and Lexington Ave. Looking S.W. at South Side Block Between Lexington and Park Ave.
114 East 84th Street, south side between Lexington and Park Avenues. Apartment house.
[Lexington Avenue and 69th Street.]
East 72nd Street at the S.E. corner of Lexington Avenue. Apartment House.
517 Lexington Avenue. The Brook Saloon.
304 Lexington Ave. New York [Entrance to Mrs. S. W. Rushmore's apartment.]
145 East 74th Street and Lexington Avenue. Apartments.
Buildings, Tishman's Apartment House, N.W. Corner of 72nd St. & Lexington Ave.
304 Lexington Ave. New York [Apartment of Mrs. S. W. Rushmore.]
304 Lexington Ave. New York [Hallway in Mrs. S. W. Rushmore's apartment.]
Plumbing & Drainage, Domestic Relations Court Building, Lexington Ave & E. 22nd St. Department of Public Works. City of New York
943 Lexington Avenue. Apartment building
60th Street and Lexington Avenue, N.E. corner. Progress view, Lambert Building.
#124 East 86 St. N.Y.C. From South Side 86 St. From Center of Park Ave. looking N.E. at Block Front North Side Bet. Park and Lexington Ave.
[South side of East 71st Street between Park and Lexington Avenues.]
901 Lexington Avenue at the N.E. corner of 67th Street. Apartment House.