113 West 18th Street. Warner Hudnut Building, exterior.
135 West 18th Street. Siegel-Cooper Company. Interior, stable
113 West 18th Street. Hudnut Building.
356-362 West 18th Street. General exterior.
Tenth Avenue between West 25th Street and West 26th Street, west side. Royal Scarlet R.C. Williams & Co warehouse
113 West 18th Street. Hudnut Building, lower section.
113 West 18th Street. Warner Building, view of easterly section.
[The Altman Building, 135 West 18th Street.]
32 West 18th Street. Schaff And Mandell. Interior, velvet steamer
West 26th Street and Seventh Avenue. National Cloak and Suit Company
109 5th Avenue at 18th Street. Constable Building.
Street Scenes - 1900, Sixth Ave. Near 18th St.
5th Avenue and 18th Street, S.E. corner. Building.
516-522 West 19th Street. Huntoon Ice Company plant
Siegel Cooper, Sixth Ave. & 18th Street.
358 West 31st Street. Jarcho Brothers Inc.