135 West 18th Street. Siegel-Cooper Company. Interior, stable
113 West 18th Street. Hudnut Building.
113 West 18th Street. Warner Hudnut Building, exterior.
356-362 West 18th Street. General exterior.
Tenth Avenue between West 25th Street and West 26th Street, west side. Royal Scarlet R.C. Williams & Co warehouse
113 West 18th Street. Warner Building, view of easterly section.
113 West 18th Street. Hudnut Building, lower section.
[The Altman Building, 135 West 18th Street.]
32 West 18th Street. Schaff And Mandell. Interior, velvet steamer
109 5th Avenue at 18th Street. Constable Building.
Street Scenes - 1900, Sixth Ave. Near 18th St.
West 26th Street and Seventh Avenue. National Cloak and Suit Company
516-522 West 19th Street. Huntoon Ice Company plant
358 West 31st Street. Jarcho Brothers Inc.
5th Avenue and 18th Street, S.E. corner. Building.
251 West 19th Street. Craftsman Film Laboratories
Siegel Cooper, Sixth Ave. & 18th Street.