984 and 985 5th Avenue. [Isaac Vail] Brokaw houses.
[Isaac Brokaw house.]
1 East 79th St. [The Isaac V. Brokaw Residence.]
East 80th Street and Fifth Avenue. Duke residence
East 75th Street and 5th Avenue. Harkness House.
East 78th Street and Fifth Avenue. Residence
East 80th Street and Fifth Avenue. Duke residence. Entrance
East 77th Street and Fifth Avenue. Senator William H. Clark residence
960 Fifth Avenue. Senator Clark's residence
990 Fifth Avenue. Apartment building
952 Fifth Avenue. Construction view
79th Street and 5th Avenue. Fletcher residence, entrance.
932 Fifth Avenue. M. Schiff residence, exterior
East 72nd Street and Fifth Avenue. Apartment building
#990 Fifth Ave. N.Y.C. Looking Down at Top to Bay. Fifth Ave. Side. View Looking North From Roof to 989 Fifth Ave.
952 Fifth Avenue. Apartment building
[Louis Stern-Hugo Reisinger residence, 993 Fifth Avenue. Interior, gallery.]
East 71st Street and Fifth Avenue, northeast corner. [Florence Adele Vanderbilt] Twombly residence
83rd Street and 5th Avenue. [William A.] Salomon house.