South-west Corner 63rd St. and Madison Ave. Front #22 East 63rd St.
South-West Corner 63rd St. and Madison Ave. East Gable Wall to 22 East 63rd Street
South-west Corner 63rd St. and Madison Ave. Front of #704 Madison Ave.
South-west Cor. Madison Ave. and 63rd St. North Gable Wall to Exterior in Rear #704 Madison Ave.
Madison Avenue corner East 63rd Street. Lenori [apartment building].
36 East 63rd Street. Hangar Club
154 East 63rd Street. Sterner residence
Ziegler residence. #2-4-6 East 63rd St. N.Y.C. North side of extension to 814 Fifth Ave. Section of [...] 2nd Floor window to #815 Fifth Ave. Crack between addition and main building. Also new brick i
Ziegler residence. #2-4-6 East 63rd St. N.Y.C. West Gable wall to #8 East 63 St.
East 63rd Street and Park Avenue. Apartment building
Ziegler residence. #2-4-6 East 63rd St.
Ziegler residence #2-4-6 East 63rd St. N.Y.C. Cracks in the rear of #813 Fifth Ave. Lower Stories
Ziegler residence. #2-4-6 East 63rd St. Looking S.
North-west Corner 58 St. and Madison Ave. N.Y.C. Looking North at Large Crack About Twenty-five Feet West of Easterly Edge of South Front Wall to 7-9-11 East 58 St.
Ziegler residence. #2-4-6 East 63rd St. N.Y.C. View looking S. at [...] under bay window on north side of #5 East 62nd St. [...] removed for safety to be replaced later
154 East 63rd Street. [Leonard M.] Thomas residence
Madison Square Garden. N.Y.C. View from 3rd Floor Window of 39 East 27 St. looking South-west towards 26 St. and Madison Avenue
Ziegler residence. #2-4-6 East 63rd St. looking S.W.
North-west Corner Madison Ave. and 37 St. N.Y.C. From N.E. Cor. 37 St. and Madison Ave. looking S.W. at S.W. cor. Madison Ave. and 37 St.#20 East 37 St. and #18 & 16 East 37 St.