South-West Corner 63rd St. and Madison Ave. East Gable Wall to 22 East 63rd Street
South-west Corner 63rd St. and Madison Ave. Front of #704 Madison Ave.
South-west Corner Madison Ave. and 63rd St. Detail of Crack Over Easterly Basement Window to #22 East 63rd Street
South-west Corner 63rd St. and Madison Ave. Front #22 East 63rd St.
Ziegler residence. #2-4-6 East 63rd St. N.Y.C. West Gable wall to #8 East 63 St.
Ziegler residence. #2-4-6 East 63rd St.
Ziegler residence. #2-4-6 East 63rd St. N.Y.C. Looking W. at E. Gable Wall to 814, 815, 816 & 817 Fifth Ave.
Ziegler residence. #2-4-6 East 63rd St. looking N.
Ziegler residence. #2-4-6 East 63rd St. Looking N.
Ziegler residence #2-4-6 East 63rd St. N.Y.C. Cracks in the rear of #813 Fifth Ave. Lower Stories
North-west Corner Madison Ave. & 37 St. N.Y.C. From N.E. Cor. 37 St. and Madison Ave. looking N.W. at 238 Madison Ave.
Street Scenes - 1900, Fifth Ave. S.E. Cor. 63rd St.
North-west Corner Madison Ave. and 37 St. N.Y.C. From N.E. Cor. 37 St. and Madison Ave. looking S.W. at S.W. cor. Madison Ave. and 37 St.#20 East 37 St. and #18 & 16 East 37 St.
North-west Corner 58 St. and Madison Ave. N.Y.C. Looking North at Large Crack About Twenty-five Feet West of Easterly Edge of South Front Wall to 7-9-11 East 58 St.
Ziegler residence. #2-4-6 East 63rd St. N.Y.C. View looking S. at [...] under bay window on north side of #5 East 62nd St. [...] removed for safety to be replaced later
Ziegler residence. #2-4-6 East 63rd St. N.Y.C. Rear of #816 Fifth Ave.
Ziegler residence. #2-4-6 East 63rd St. N.Y.C. View looking S.E.
Ziegler residence. #2-4-6 East 63rd St. N.Y.C. View looking South
327 East 119th St. New York City. From Roof of Extension to 324 East 120th St. Looking South at Rear or North Wall to 327 East 119th St.