St. James School - 1885 - Second Class
[Al Smith as an altar boy.]
[Al Smith with his family.]
[Group in front of trees in summer apparel.]
[Al Smith with his father, uncle and cousin.]
[Al Smith, with his father, uncle and cousin.]
[Al Smith with his extended family.]
[Al Smith with his family at his election as Sheriff of New York County.]
[Al Smith and his family.]
[Al Smith and his wife with their grandchildren.]
[Al Smith with his wife (neé Catherine Dunn) and three of their grandchildren.]
[Al Smith with his wife and three of their children in the Executive Mansion.]
[Tammany Hall corner stone laying ceremony.]
All For "Al" and "Al" For All
[Al Smith with his family at the beach in Southampton.]
[Al Smith at a Democrats-for-Willkie booth.]
[Al Smith with John McCormack and an unidentified man.]