[Marjorie Hast as Regina Waterhouse in "Scandal".]
[Emily Stevens in "The Unchastened Woman".]
[Marie Goff as Ethel Monticue in "The Young Visitors".]
[Irene Fenwick in "The Million".]
[The levee scene in "The Young Visitors".]
[Marjorie Wood and Taylor Holmes in "The Third Party".]
[Madge Titherradge as Peggy in "A Butterfly on the Wheel".]
["The Young Visitors" theater still.]
[Harold Anstruther as Bernard Clark in "The Young Visitors".]
["The Trimplet" theater still.]
["The Alarm Clock" theater stills.]
[Harrie Fumade in the prologue of "Gammer Gurton's Needle".]
[Mary Young as Dolly in "Believe Me Xantippe".]
[Inez Plummer as Alice Cook in "Too Many Cooks".]
[Unidentified actress in "A Cure for Curables".]