Booth benefit for the Shakespeare statue fund. Junius Brutus, Edwin and John Wilkes Booth in "Julius Caesar", Friday evening, November 25
Tuesday evening, June 3, will be performed for the first time, an original comedy in five acts, by Douglas Jerrold, entitled "Time Works Wonders"
Mr. F. S. Chanfrau in De Walden's great comedy of "Sam", Tuesday evening, January 2, 1866
Monday evening, April 14, 1856, will be presented the comedy in two acts, entitled "The Scholar"
Mr. F. S. Chanfrau will appear in De Walden's celebrated original comedy in five acts, "Sam", Monday, February 10, 1873
Benefit of Mr. Charles Mathews, who will appear in two popular characters. Tuesday, February 9, the celebrated comedy in three acts, "The Serious Family"
Friday evening, February 20, 1857, will be performed for the fifth time a local drama in three acts by J. B. Howe, entitled "Uncle Sam; or, The Manic of the Tombs"
Tuesday evening, March 15, 1864, the new comedy in three acts, entitled "Taming a Butterfly"
Monday evening, October 12, will be performed for the first time on any stage, a play in five acts, entitled "The Wife's Secret"
Saturday evening, October 11, will be produced for the fifth time, an original five-act comedy called “Nature’s Nobleman”, written expressly for this theater
This evening, Wednesday, September 18, will be acted the comedy of "The Love Chase"
Monday, February 10, 1873, third week of the great American actor, Mr. F. S. Chanfrau, who will appear in De Walden's celebrated original comedy in five acts, "Sam"
Friday evening, April 13, 1849, will be performed the grand operatic spectacle in three acts, entitled "The Enchantress"
Monday evening, August 17, will be performed the comedy in two acts, entitled "The Nervous Man and the Man of Nerve"
Friday evening, March 10, will be performed the tragedy of "Pizarro; or, The Death of Rolla"
This evening, Tuesday, September 17, will be performed the comedy of "The Old English Gentleman"
Wednesday evening, February 18, 1857, the performances will commence with, for the third time in New York, a local drama in three acts by J. B. Howe, entitled "Uncle Sam; or, The Maniac of the Tombs"
Mrs. Blake's benefit, this evening, Thursday, April 6, 1854. For the first time in many years, S. J. Arnold's admirable comedy of "Man and Wife"
Monday evening, February 5, 1866, the performance will commence with, for the first time in America, the new comedy in two acts, "Who Killed Cock Robin"
"A Bachelor of Arts", the popular comedy, never acted here, will be given on Monday, December 1, 1862