Transportation Map of New York
Map of Manhattan
Automobile Map of Westchester County New York
Road Map of the New York and New Jersey Suburbs
Map of the City of New York with part of Brooklyn and Williamsburgh
Henry Hudson Parkway at 79th Street, New York City.
Public School 171, corner Ridgewood and Nichols Avenues. East New York.
Loew's Commodore Theatre and Loew's Canal St. Theatre
City of New York. Board of Transportation. New York City Transit System
J. Clarence Davies Map of The Bronx Showing Present and Proposed Transit System
Hub of Revolving Part of Third 5000-K.W., Westinghouse, Rotating-Field Generator
Middle Section of Yoke of 5000-K.W., 3-Phase, Westinghouse, Rotating-Field Generator
Broadway and Greeley Square [Broadway & 26th Street to Broadway & 42nd Street]
[Eleven Maps of Midtown Manhattan]
The Town Hall
Section of Yoke of Third 5000-K.W., Westinghouse, Rotating-Field Generator
Henry Miller's Theatre
The Wheelmans Diary, Guide & Map. Brooklyn & L.I.
City of New York
Map of the City of New York