Philharmonic Society of New York. Academy of Music. Forty-Third Season. Second Public Rehearsal
The Philharmonic Society of New York Eightieth Season. 1601st Concert
Philharmonic Society of New York Fifty-Fourth Season, 1895-1896
Piano Recital by Sergei Rachmaninoff
Philharmonic Society
Theatre, Academy of Music, 14th St. & Irving Place.
The Philharmonic-Symphony Society of the City of New York
Bachelor Club Fourth Season
The Philharmonic Society of New York Eightieth Season. 1654th and 1655th Concerts
Happy New Year. The Members of Pearl Hose Company No. 28 At Home
Grand Amateur Concert for Charitable Purposes
Testimonial Concert to Mr. Frederic Bergner
The Elshuco Trio of New York
New Academy of Music
First New York Academy of Music. 1853.
Twelfth Annual Commencement of the Free Academy of the City of New York
Concert Given by the "Quatuor du Flonzaley" for the Benefit of the Children's Charitable Union Free Kindergarten (339 East 4th Street)