Tonight, Tuesday, April 6, will be presented Sir E. B. Lytton's beautiful play of "The Lady of Lyons"
First benefit in America of Miss Agnes Elsworthy. First time this season of Bulwer's beautiful play of the "Lady of Lyons", Saturday, December 6, 1856
Monday evening, October 27, 1862, "The Lady of Lyons"
Mrs. John Wood and Mr. John Wood in "Shylock; or, The Merchant of Venice Preserved", Monday evening, July 27, 1857
Monday evening, April 14, 1856, will be presented the comedy in two acts, entitled "The Scholar"
Wednesday, December 3, 1856, the celebrated play of "The Elder Brother"
Wednesday evening, January 7, 1857, will be performed the play in five acts, by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Bt., called "Richelieu; or, The Conspiracy", with Mr. Forrest as Richelieu, Cardinal Minister
Monday evening, May 25, 1857, the performance will commence with Bulwer's play in five acts, called "The Lady of Lyons"
The new five-act comedy called "Playing With Fire" written by John Brougham will be acted tonight and every evening until further notice
Saturday, December 27, 1856, will be presented for the third time, a new petite comedy, entitled "The Rights and Wrongs of Woman"
Mrs. Julia Dean Hayne will play a farewell engagement prior to her departure for Europe, commencing Tuesday, June 5, 1860, when she will appear in Bulwer's great play of "The Lady of Lyons"
Wednesday, November 5, 1856, Mr. Wallack will appear as Jacques in Shakespeare's play, "As You Like It"
Benefit of Mr. Blake. "The Game of Life" and "Who Speaks First?", Saturday evening, April 25
Saturday evening, July 2, 1842, will be performed the laughable piece of "Deadshot"
Thursday evening, August 11, 1853, under direction of Mr. Harry Watkins, jubilee benefit of the American Dramatic Fund Association
"The Brigand" and "Americans in Paris; or, A Game at Dominoes"
Monday, November 17, 1856, Mr. Wallack will appear in his great original character in the celebrated drama of "Don Caesar de Bazan"
Thursday evening, March 7, 1861, will be presented "Oliver Twist", commencing with the second act, which will embrace the whole of Miss Cushman's great impersonation of Nancy Sikes
Engagement of Miss Agnes Robertson and Mr. Dion Boucicault in the new and original drama in three acts, "Jessie Brown; or, The Relief of Lucknow"
Saturday evening, June 27, 1857, the performance will commence with the ever-popular play in five acts, entitled "The Stranger"