[Sketches by Braze.]
[Sketch by Braze.]
Lil' Spliff [Sketches by Braze.]
Zoot Bang [Sketch by Braze.]
The Illie Crew. Dust Patients [Sketch by Braze.]
"Oh No Its The ERO" [Page in ERO's sketchbook.]
Believe Me When I Tell You Life Will Not Break Your Heart It Will Crush It! [Page in Delta II's piece book.]
[Tagged inside front cover of ERO's black book.]
Eromania. Lovin Every Minute of It! [Page in ERO's black book.]
[Tagged page in Sharp's piece book.]
The SAK Iz Back [Page in TRC's piece book.]
The Dood [Page in sketchbook belonging to TRC and Delta II.]
True II TRC [Page in sketchbook belonging to TRC and Delta II.]