Maurice Barrymore as "Captain Swift."
Nat C. Goodwin as "The Nominee."
[Nelson Wheatcroft as Dick Van Buren in "The Charity Ball".]
[William J. Florence as Sir Lucius O'Trigger and Joseph Jefferson as Bob Acres in "The Rivals".]
Robert Taber as "Captain Absolute."
[Elsie Leslie as Lydia Languish in "The Rivals".]
[Lillian Russell as Inez in "The Queen's Mate".]
[Helen Dauvray as Constance and E. H. Sothern as Wildrake in "The Love-Chase".]
[Bertha Galland as Isoult in "The Forest Lovers".]
[Georgia Cayvan as Helen Truman in "The Wife".]
[E. H. Sothern as Anthony Sheen in "The Great Pink Pearl".]
[Howard Kyle as David Bartlett in "Way Down East".]
Mrs. Langtry in "As in a Looking-Glass"
Joseph Jefferson & Wm. J. Florence in "The Rival."
[George C. Boniface as Hans the Boatman in "Orpheus and Eurydice".]
"The Highest Bidder."