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Building 51-53 Maiden Lane

Building 51-53 Maiden Lane

83 Maiden Lane

83 Maiden Lane

83 Maiden Lane

83 Maiden Lane

Maiden Lane and Nassau, S.E. cor.

Maiden Lane and Nassau, S.E. cor.

City of N. Y. Insurance Co. Bldg. William St. & Maiden Lane

City of N. Y. Insurance Co. Bldg. William St. & Maiden Lane

Liberty and William Streets to Maiden Lane

Liberty and William Streets to Maiden Lane

New York Skyscrapers, North from Maiden Lane

New York Skyscrapers, North from Maiden Lane

9-11 Maiden Lane. Jeweler's Building.

9-11 Maiden Lane. Jeweler's Building.

Maiden Lane from William to Nassau St.

Maiden Lane from William to Nassau St.

[Maiden Lane and William Street.]

[Maiden Lane and William Street.]

Federal Reserve Warehouse, cor. Maiden Lane and Gold Street

Federal Reserve Warehouse, cor. Maiden Lane and Gold Street

57 Maiden Lane. Gibson Restaurant.

57 Maiden Lane. Gibson Restaurant.

[Maiden Lane and Liberty Street, Old Strackerjan Restaurant.]

[Maiden Lane and Liberty Street, Old Strackerjan Restaurant.]

[Maiden Lane and William Street.]

[Maiden Lane and William Street.]

[North side of Maiden Lane.]

[North side of Maiden Lane.]

Maiden Lane from No. 1 to No. 65

Maiden Lane from No. 1 to No. 65

Maiden Lane

Maiden Lane

[Tablet and inscription on building at 15 Maiden Lane.]

[Tablet and inscription on building at 15 Maiden Lane.]

[William Street and Maiden Lane.]

[William Street and Maiden Lane.]

Maiden Lane

Maiden Lane

Building, 55-57 Maiden Lane

Accession number X2010.28.354 
Unique identifier M2Y9285 
Dated ca. 1921 
Physical dimensions H: 10 in, W: 8 in 
File dimensions 14.4 in × 18.3 in at 300dpi
36.6 cm × 46.5 cm at 300dpi 

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