Transportation Bldg., B'way and Barclay St.
Transportation & Woolworth Bdgs.
Woolworth Bldg Iron Work, B'way and Barclay St.
Knickerbocker Bdg. B'way & 42nd St.
Woolworth Bldg. and B'way. South.
Transportation & Woolworth Building
Standard Oil Building, 26 B'way
Woolworth & Transportation Bldgs.
Singer Bldg. Etc., from W. B'way & Chambers St.
B'way & Wall St. North
Bldg., 29 B'way, cor. Morris St.
Astor House Bldg, B'way & Vesey St.
B'way & Wall St. South
Bldg. 51 B'way
Trinity Church, B'way & Wall St.
Wall & New Sts. to B'way
Barclay St. B'way and Park Place. From the top of Park Row Building
Park Place N. Side to B'way.
Tel. & Tel. Bldg., B'way and Fulton St.