Federal Reserve B'ldg.
Vincent B'ldg.
Western Union B'ldg. 40 Broad St.
Market and Fulton B'ldg., cor. of Gold St.
Borden B'ldg. Mad. Av. and 45 St.
Royal Ins[urance]. Co[mpany]. B'ldg. 150 Wm. St.
New York Telephone Bdg, West and Vesey Sts.
Barclay, Vesey and West Streets. New York Telephone Building.
Barclay Street and Vesey Street. New York Telephone Building.
Perspective rendering of New York Telephone Co. Building at Vesey and Barclay.
Astor House Bldg, B'way & Vesey St.
Telephone, New York Telephone Co. Exchanges.
New York Telephone Building.
New York Telephone Building
Park Hotel. On Broadway, Barclay & Vesey - Sts. New York.
140 West Street to Barclay, Washington, and Vesey. New York Telephone Company Building, lower stories
[New York Telephone Building.]