Federal Reserve B'ldg.
Vincent B'ldg.
Western Union B'ldg. 40 Broad St.
Borden B'ldg. Mad. Av. and 45 St.
Royal Ins[urance]. Co[mpany]. B'ldg. 150 Wm. St.
Addition to 150 William St. Building, Fulton, Gold, & Ann Sts. Starett & Van Vleck, Architects. Marc Eidlitz & son, Builders N.Y.
Federal Reserve Warehouse, cor. Maiden Lane and Gold Street
Building, S.E. cor., Reade and Church Sts.
Tel. & Tel. Bldg., B'way and Fulton St.
7 Gold St.
Royal Building, William and Fulton Sts.
Woolworth and Transportation Bldgs. from Church & Fulton Sts.
Bldg., 29 B'way, cor. Morris St.
Bldg., 350 Fulton St., B'klyn.
Bldg. Broadway & Fulton St. - Southeast Corner
Transportation Bdg. B'way & Barclay St.
New York North from Wall St.
Building N.E. cor. of William and Cedar Sts.