Transportation Bdg. B'way & Barclay St.
Woolworth Bldg Iron Work, B'way and Barclay St.
Astor House Bldg, B'way & Vesey St.
Woolworth Bldg. and B'way. South.
Bldg., 29 B'way, cor. Morris St.
Singer Bldg. Etc., from W. B'way & Chambers St.
Woolworth & Transportation Bldgs.
Bldg. 51 B'way
Tel. & Tel. Bldg., B'way and Fulton St.
Am. Surety Bldg. & B'way.
Woolworth and Transportation Bldgs. from Church & Fulton Sts.
American Surety Bldg., 100 B'way.
Produce Exchange Bank Bldg. B'way and Beaver St.
Barclay St. B'way and Park Place. From the top of Park Row Building
American Surety Bldg., 100 B'way
Trinity Church, B'way & Wall St.
Standard Oil Building, 26 B'way
Am. Surety Bldg., 100 B'way.
U.S. Tire Bldg., B'way & 58th St.