The Umbria, West End Ave. Cor. 82nd St.
Apt. 221 W. 82nd St., cor. B'way.
1200 Madison Av. - 21 E 87 St.
710 Madison Av. N.W. 63 St.
[East 83rd Street.]
Madison Av. Presby. Church House, 921 Madison Av. and 73rd Street
750 Madison Av. S.W. 65 St.
Apartment 667 Madison Ave., S. E. Cor. 61st St.
Nine Hundred Ten Fifth Av., cor. 72nd St.
Borrell Bldg., N.E. Cor. Madison Av. & 33rd St.
Stuyvesant Fish House Madison Ave. & 78th St.
[3 East 83rd Street.]
1185 Madison Av.
[345 East 82nd Street]
998 Fifth Ave. Cor. 80th St.
Park Ave. South from 84th St.
Apartment No. 998 Fifth Ave. N. W. Cor. 81st St.