Arsenal Bldg., 7th Ave. & 35th St.
Hotel Gregorian, 42 W. 35th St.
Best & Co. Bldg., 5th Av. & 35th St.
Fifth Av. & 35th St. S.W; [Madison Avenue horse car.]
Tower B'dg. 200 Mad. Av. & 35 St.
Seaich Loft Bldg, 38-42 E. 32nd St.
Union League Club, Park Ave. & E. 37th St.
5th Ave. & 34th St. N.E.
Cornell University 1st Ave. 27th to 28th Sts.
Lincoln Safe Deposit Company, 32 E. 42nd St.
The Morgan Library, E. 36th St. & Madison Ave.
Thomas Benedict Clarke house. 22 East 35th Street.
Borrell Bldg., N.E. Cor. Madison Av. & 33rd St.
Ditson Bldg. 8-10-12 East 34th St.
[123 East 35th Street.]
Engineering Society, West 39th St.
Wahnetah Bldg., 461 4th Ave. cor. 31 St.
Apartment, 142 E. 18th St.
Park Avenue - 32nd to 34th Sts. | [Market Street to Park Avenue & 41st Street]
[162 East 35th Street]