The Morningside Park Apartments, Morningside Park East 118th - 119th Sts
Garfield Court, Claremont Ave. & 127th St.
Morningside Park at 110th St. Curve
Yorktown Court, 615 W. 162nd St.
St. Joseph's Church, 125th St & Morningside Av.
Amsterdam Ave. & 122nd St., N. E.
Riverside Church, 490 Riverside Drive and 122 St.
98 Morningside Avenue, between 122nd and 123rd Street. Rodna Apartments.
Morningside Park from 110th St. L Station
Statue & Pedestal Carl Schurz, Morningside Dr. & 116th St.
Riverside Dwellings, 611-619 West 114th St.
Riverside Dwellings, 619 West 114th St.
88 Morningside Drive. Butler Hall apartments
The Warfdale [Wharfedale], 604-606 W. 115th St.
The Marlsenfield, 605 - 611 W. 111th St.
Institute of Musical Art, Claremont Avenue & 122nd St.
Convent Garden Apartments, Convent Av. St. Nicholas Terrace, 129 to 130 Sts.
The Allerton, Broadway & 113th St.
Hendrik Hudson Apts., River. Dr. & 110th St.