Hotel Lincoln
Hotel Lincoln, 8th Ave., & 44 & 45th Sts.
Hotel New Yorker, Manhattan Room
Equitable Trust Co. Bldg. & Hotel Biltmore
Hotel Biltmore, Vanderbilt Ave & 44th St.
Hotel Commodore
Waldorf Astoria Hotel
Lincoln Bldg. Vanderbilt Av. & 42 St.
Sherry's Hotel, 5th Ave. & 44th St.
Hotel Belmont
Hotel Gerard, 123 W. 44th St.
Manhattan Hotel, 42nd and Madison Ave.
Roosevelt Hotel, Mad. Av. and 45 St.
Hotel Claridge, Broadway and 44th St
Lincoln Building, 42nd & Madison Ave.
Hotel Knickerbocker
Grenoble Hotel, 7th Ave. & 56th St.
Hotel Governor Clinton