Hospital, Vanderbilt Clinic, 59th St. & Amsterdam Ave.
5th Ave. & 60th St.
Metropolitan Club, 5th Ave. & 60th St.
Church of Paulist Fathers, Columbus Ave. & 60th St.
Vanderbilt Clinic Hospital, 59th St. Amsterdam Ave., Clinic for Women.
Guaranty Trust Co. Building, Madison Av. and 60th St.
Victory Arch of Jewels, 5th Av. and 60th St. Mar. 25, 1919
Victory Arch of Jewels, Fifth Av. and 60th St. March 25, 1919.
Vanderbilt Clinic.
Vanderbilt Clinic Hospital, 59th St. Amster. Ave., Museum & Clinic for Men.
Yale Club, Vanderbilt Avenue & E. 44th St.
[Columbus Avenue, north of 60th Street.]
Vanderbilt Clinic Hospital, 59th St. Amster. Ave., Amphitheatre.
Vanderbilt Clinic Hospital.