Hotel Gerard, 123 W. 44th St.
Fifty Seventh St. S.E. from 5th Av. N.Y.C.
Hotel St. Regis, New - York.
[Hotel St. Regis, Penthouse.]
[Hotel St. Regis Palm Room.]
Hotel Carlyle, N.E. cor. of Madison Av. & 76 St.
Ritz Tower, Park Ave & 57th St.
St. Regis Hotel, New York.
Hotel St. Regis, N. Y. City.
Fifth Av & 34 St. North
Grand Central Square, Park Av. and 45th St.
Rupert Bdg. 531 5th Av. cor. 44 St.
[Hotel St. Regis, Room #706.]
Banquet Manager, St. Regis Hotel, NYC
Astor Trust Bldg., 5th Ave. & 42nd St.
Hotel St. Regis, Room #706.
Hotel St. Regis, Iridium Room.
Hotel St. Regis, New - York