Apartment E. 180th St., Hughes to Belmont Aves, Bronx
Apartment E. 180th St., Daly to Honeywell Aves, Bronx
180th St., west from St. Nicholas Ave, New York.
Broadway, south from 180th St., New York.
S. E. Cor. Wadsworth Ave and 180th St., New York.
Halcyon Hall, 408 West 150th St.
S.W. Cor. Ft. Washington Ave, and 180th St., New York.
N. W. Cor. Ft. Washington Ave and 180th St., New York.
Nathan Hale Apartments, 181st St. & Washington Ave.
N. E. Cor. Ft. Washington Ave..and 180th St., New York.
South West Corner of Broadway and 180th St., New York.
Audubon Hall Apt., B'way & 157th St.
The Paul Jones, Wadsworth Ave. & 184th St.
South View Apartments 140th St. & Convent Ave.
North West Corner of Broadway and 180th St., New York.
Chelburne Apts. W.E. Ave. & 105th St.
Garfield Court, Claremont Ave. & 127th St.
Convent Garden Apartments, Convent Av. St. Nicholas Terrace, 129 to 130 Sts.
Riverside Dwellings, 619 West 114th St.
N.W. Cor. St. Nicholas Ave and 180th St., New York.