New York Clearing House
Home Insurance Building, Cedar St.
New York Clearing House, N. Y. City.
German Life Bldg., Cedar & Nassau Sts.
N.Y. Clearing House.
Custom House & Wall Street, looking west
Am[erican] Ex[change] Bank, Singer Building and Clearing House
Guaranty Trust Co. Nassau & Cedar Sts.
American Exchange National Bank
Clearing House, New York.
NY Custom House
The New York Clearing House
New York Clearing House, New York City.
Broadway & John St, looking North
Simpson Building, south side of Wall Street looking west
Building N.E. cor. of William and Cedar Sts.
Bank of America, Wall & Wm. Sts.
Cedar Street [Broome Street through Central Park]
Bank of America Bdg. Wall & Wm. Sts.