Blair, Commercial Cable & N.Y. Stock Exchange Bdgs.
Broad Street & The Continental Bank Bldg.
Continental Bank Bldg., Broad St.
N.Y. Stock Exchange
Continental Bank and Trust
N.Y. Stock Ex. & Wall St.
N.Y. Stock Exchange, the floor
Irving Trust Bldg. from Wall St.
National Bank of Commerce, 31 Nassau St.
Bank of America Bdg. Wall & Wm. Sts.
Lower N.Y. from Whitehall
New York Stock Exchange
Irving Bank Building
N.Y. Central Bldg., 45th St. and Depew Place
City of N. Y. Insurance Co. Bldg. William St. & Maiden Lane
New York Stock Exchange.
N.Y. Central Bldg. Vanderbilt Ave. & 45th St.