Maiden Lane and Nassau, S.E. cor.
Fifth Av. S.E. cor. 46 St.
5th Av. & 28 St., S.E. cor.
Building N.E. cor. of William and Cedar Sts.
42nd St & Madison Ave, S.E. Cor.
Broadway and Liberty Streets, N.E. cor.
Woolworth and Transportation Bldgs. from Church & Fulton Sts.
Market and Fulton B'ldg., cor. of Gold St.
Fifth Av. & 56 St. S.W. cor.
Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Bldg., Reade St.
Underwood Building, Church & Vesey Sts.
Fifth Av. & 51 St., S.W. cor.
Hudson Terminal Bldgs., 30 - 50 Church St.
Importers' Bldg. Church & Leonard Sts.
N. Y. Skyline & S. S. Northland
Bldg. 110 Wm. St., N. E. Cor. John St.
Washington Life Building, Broadway cor. Liberty St.
Thirty-fourth St. & Sixth Ave. S.E. Corner
Woolworth Bldg & St. Pauls Chapel
402 Fifth Ave., cor. 37 St.