Maiden Lane from William to Nassau St.
83 Maiden Lane
Building 51-53 Maiden Lane
Federal Reserve Warehouse, cor. Maiden Lane and Gold Street
Building, S.E. cor., Reade and Church Sts.
Building, 55-57 Maiden Lane
Liberty and William Streets to Maiden Lane
Fifth Av. S.E. cor. 46 St.
Federal Reserve B'k, Md. Ln. & Nassau
City of N. Y. Insurance Co. Bldg. William St. & Maiden Lane
New York Skyscrapers, North from Maiden Lane
Maiden Lane and Nassau St. [MacDougal Street to Maiden Lane]
Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Md. La. and Nassau
Broadway and Liberty Streets, N.E. cor.
5th Av. & 28 St., S.E. cor.
1 Cedar Street and 200 Maiden Lane. View from N.W. looking S.E..
42nd St & Madison Ave, S.E. Cor.
Building N.E. cor. of William and Cedar Sts.
Nassau Street and Maiden Lane. Mechanics and Metals Bank. Interior